Texarkana College Trustees Vote to Keep Same Tax Rate for 2018-2019 Year
After conducting public hearings on August 13, 2018, and August 20, 2018, the Texarkana College Board of Trustees voted today to keep the same exact tax rate of $0.118115 for the 2018-19 budget year as was in place for the 2017-2018 year.
According to a press release, “TC’s tax rate remains one of the lowest community college tax rates in the state, and our Trustees are very focused on keeping it that way while also making sure that exceptional employees and facilities are in place to train the workforce of the future,” said TC President James Henry Russell. “The college tax rate continues to only be approximately 65% of the typical college tax rate in the State of Texas.
Russell said TC will always strive to maintain a tax rate lower than the state average while keeping student performance and completion rates among the highest in the state and nation.
Also during today’s meeting, Trustees approved the Certification of Unopposed Candidates and the Order of Cancellation for the 2018 Board of Trustees Election scheduled for Nov. 6, 2018. No opposition was filed for Trustee Places 1, 3, 4 and 7 of the TC Board during the open filing period that spanned July 20, 2018—Aug. 20, 2018. Trustees currently holding these places are now considered "elected" and will be sworn in following the scheduled election date and canvassing period.
Russell said the cancellation of the election saves approximately $10,000 in administrative costs to run an election.
“Texarkana College’s current Trustees are committed to TC’s mission, vision and strategic goals,” Russell said. “They support the TC administration’s efforts to maintain a culture of excellence, and the college has benefited from their strong leadership and stewardship. We are glad to see that these Trustees will continue to have a positive impact on the college and our community for years to come.”
Terms of office are as follows:
- Place 1 (Bowie Co. Precinct One) Trustee Derrick McGary term ending 2022
- Place 2 (Bowie Co. Precinct Two) Trustee Jane Daines (Secretary) term ending 2022
- Place 3 (Bowie Co. Precinct Three) Trustee Anne Farris will hold a 6-year term ending 2024
- Place 4 (Bowie Co. Precinct Four) Trustee Ernie Cochran will hold a 6-year term ending 2024
- Place 5 (At Large) Trustee Kaye Ellison (Vice President) term ending 2020
- Place 6 (At Large) Trustee Kyle Davis (President) term ending 2020
- Place 7 (At Large) Trustee George Moore term ending 2020
In other business, Trustees approved a breakeven budget for 2018-19 with no change in tax rate. Over the last two months, Trustees reviewed preliminary drafts of the proposed budget and discussed projected income and expenses affecting the budget.