The 5th annual 5K Santa Sprint for Ainsley’s Angels Dec. 8
Ainsley’s Angels, a nonprofit organization that promotes inclusion within 5Ks, 10Ks, Half and Full Marathons, announces a partnership with the Texarkana Museums to provide a Santa Sprint 5K where people of all abilities can participate. The 5th annual Santa Sprint will be Saturday, December 8 in downtown Texarkana.
According to a press release, Velvet Hall Cool, Board President for TMS, states “with the diversity of community members living in Texarkana, we excited to offer the Santa Sprint 5K that is inclusive to all. We want everyone to feel welcome to dress in holiday outfits, and sprint, walk, or jog their way through downtown Texarkana as we raise money for the Texarkana Museums System and awareness about Ainsley’s Angels.”
With this run, athletes will be provided with equipment and a team of runners to build awareness about America’s special needs community and memories as everyone crosses the finish line together. We believe everyone deserves to be included. Therefore, this fundraiser for the Texarkana’s Museums System, which promotes historic preservation, education and heritage tourism has become an opportunity for community partnerships and inclusion.
Registration is $30 for adults and $15 for kids under 12. After December 1, registration prices are $35 and $20. If you’d prefer to show your support by staying in bed, or taking advantage of the holiday shopping hours, you can register to Shop or Sleep in for only $20. Medals and Goodie Bags will be awarded to all. Sign-up to be an Ainsley’s Angel runner or athlete rider at ainsleysangels.org and sign up to participate in the Santa Sprint 5K at texarkanamuseums.org/santasprint .
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