‘The Mandalorian’ Finale: Easter Eggs and Ending Explained
It should probably go without saying, but this video and post contain SPOILERS about the season finale of The Mandalorian. Don’t watch it until after you’ve watched the episode on Disney+.
The end of The Mandalorian is now available on Disney+ — and while it does answer a few of our questions about the cast and their pasts, it also leaves a ton of cliffhangers for a Season 2. We were most intrigued by the live-action debut of the darksaber, a famous Star Wars weapon that has previously only appeared in cartoons. The saber not only looks cool, it has a hugely important meaning to Mandalorians and to the history of the planet.
So just what is the darksaber? This video explains it all — plus breaks down all the secrets of The Mandalorian finale and gives you a few Easter eggs to boot. Watch it right here:
If you liked this video about the finale of The Mandalorian, check out other videos, including the secret origin of Baby Yoda from The Mandalorian, and all the Easter eggs in the third and fourth episodes of The Mandalorian. Plus, there’s tons more over at ScreenCrush’s YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to catch all our future episodes.
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