When you have someone in the audience like this guy, the promo writes itself.

Don't think for a second that America is the only country with talent. Other countries have talent, it just so happens to be in the audience.

Like this guy.

The 2016 promo for Australia's Got Talent is 30 seconds long but shows nothing that is going on onstage. Instead it centers around this man, whose face is probably my favorite thing to happen in 2016 so far. He starts off enjoying his time, but then becomes intrigued and perhaps a tad bit skeptical about what's happening on stage.

Then his mind is absolutely blown!

And that's it. That's the entire promo. And it's brilliant. Not only do you want to see what this man is seeing, you want to see how he reacts to everything else that happens on that stage. He is incredibly animated and I wish I could just carry him around in my back pocket, using him when dramatic things happen.

I can't wait to see the memes that come from this.

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