Tiger Theatre Company of Texas High Presents ‘Cinderella’
The timeless enchantment of a magical fairy tale is reborn with the Tiger Theatre Company’s production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella.
A contemporary take on the classic tale, the Tony Award-winning musical brings you all the moments you love – the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more. The hearts of children and adults alike will soar when the slipper fits.
Performances will be Friday and Saturday, January 20-21 at 7:00 p.m., Sunday, January 22 at 2:30PM and Monday, January 23 at 7PM Shows will be in the John Thomas Theatre of the Sullivan Performing Arts Center, 3941 Summerhill Road.
Advance tickets are available online for $10.00 Adults/$4.00 Students. At the door, tickets will be $15 Adults/$5 Students. You can also visit their Facebook page.
As a special treat, the Tiger Theatre Company will present “Tea with Cinderella” on Saturday, January 21 from 2 – 4PM in the Grand Foyer of the Sullivan Performing Arts Center.
The event is open to children in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Cost is $5 per child and includes Autograph Page & Snacks. Pre-registration is not required and parents are encouraged to attend with child and bring camera for pictures with Cinderella, The Fairy Godmother & others from the cast.
For more information, contact Lisa Newton or Amy Kemp at 903.794.3891.
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