Tinkerfest Comes to Downtown Texarkana This Saturday
Kids get their hands-on and hands dirty at Tinkerfest this Saturday, May 20 at Discovery Place Children's Museum in Downtown Texarkana.
Brings the kids out from 9AM - 3PM this Saturday at Discovery Place so they can tinker with all kinds of stuff.
A lot of us grew up with tinkerers, usually, it was your dad or someone in your family who just had a knack for knowing how stuff worked, and somehow they also knew how to fix it when it broke.
Our focus has changed much in recent generations what with electronics advancing as much as they have, gaming consoles have taken over where building things use to fill our free time. Sometimes very simple things like tricking out your bike with playing cards in the spokes to sound like a real motor, or the more complex like actually building a go kart.
Tinkerfest seems poised to rekindle that spark of imagination in our youth of building and creating, seeing for yourself how things really work on the inside. Take it apart, put it back together and it still works. It;s a great feeling.
As it states on Discovery Place Facebook event page; Tinkerfest will "feature 25 to 30 hands-on tinkering stations throughout Discovery Place and nearby outdoor spaces on Pine and 3rd streets in Texarkana’s Historic District".
For more information, contact Velvet Cool at 903-793-4831 or via email at boardpresident@texarkanamuseums.org.
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