It's Halloween and the little ghouls and goblins will be roaming your neighborhood this evening.Let's make sure it is a safe Halloween for all the trick or treaters out there. Here are some safety tips.

1. Parents go with your children as they go from house to house.

2. Wear bright reflective clothing or carry flashlights to be well seen.

3. Go to homes that are well lit and places you are familiar with.

4. Inspect all candy before letting your kids eat any of the goodies.

5. And if you are driving around watch for kids darting in and out of the street. Slow down and stay off your cell phones or any other activity that will distract you from driving.

Halloween is a special time for children. Let's keep it safe and happy.

(Photo by: micah makes art/flickr)
(Photo by: micah makes art/flickr)


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