6 Year Old Girl Doing Screamo on America’s Got Talent?! Yep!-Video
You seriously have to watch this to believe it!
I read the title to this video and thought "No way, a little 6 year old girl can do screamo!" I was WRONG! (Don't tell my husband, he'll use it against me every time he loses an argument-ha!)
Check it out yourself! Here she is:
What did you think? I liked that Howie took up for her :)
Happy Tuesday!
P.S. Please take a second and vote for the Kylee Sullivan Dog Park today! Here are the links:
Dog Park Vote 1)http://www.petsafe.net/barkforyourpark/city/17869/texarkana-tx/
Dog Park Vote 2)https://www.facebook.com/PetSafeBrand/app_321086731284099
If you are on iPhone, link 2 won’t work. You need this link:
iPhone link: http://www.petsafe.net/barkforyourpark/fb/?id=17869
Kylee Sullivan
Dog Park
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