COVID-19 Texarkana Area Update for Tuesday, August 18
Bowie County Emergency Operations Center reports a total of 842 positive COVID-19 cases, with 392 recoveries, and a total of 56 COVID-related deaths. There are currently 392 active cases being traced in Bowie County.
Cass County has a total of 203 cases with 161 recoveries, 9 deaths and currently 33 active cases.
Miller County has 538 total cases, 32 active positive cases, 4074 negative results, 501 recovered and 5 deaths. (Updated 8/18/20)
Free COVID-19 testing ends tomorrow, Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 at the Bowie-Texarkana Health Department at 902 W. 12th Street Texarkana, TX 75501 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Register at gogettested.com or on-site. No symptoms required. Call 903-255-5560 for questions about testing.
The chart below shows the number of cases (blue bar) and deaths (orange bar) for each age group in Bowie County.
The next chart shows the mortality rate* for each age group Bowie County.
The next chart is the male/female ratio.
Total Positive Cases in Bowie County | 842 |
Bowie County Patients Hospitalized locally | 12 |
Bowie County Active Cases | 387 |
Bowie County Patients Recovered | 392 |
COVID-19 Deaths in Bowie County | 56 |
Non-resident Patients Hospitalized locally | 35 |
Total Hospitalizations | 47 |
Total Positive Cases in Cass County | 203 |
COVID-19 Deaths in Cass County | 9 |
Cass County Active Cases | 33 |
Cass County Patients Recovered | 161 |
* Mortality rate is calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number of cases to obtain the percentage.The latest local information and updates can all be found at www.coronatxk.org.

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