Diabetes Q&A Series to be Hosted at Hempstead Hall on June 15
Do you or someone you know have diabetes? If you'd like to learn more about Type II Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes conditions you can at a six part Question and Answer series starting next Thursday, June 15.
According to their website, the event will take place in the Springhill Suite at Hempstead Hall on the campus of University of Arkansas Community College campus located at 2500 South Main Street in Hope, ARK.
The first session will run from 3PM to 4PM and will discuss the concerns of the rise in Type II Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes in the Hope, ARK area.
For more information you can contact Detri Brech a certified Diabetes Educator at detribrech@yahoo.com. You can also visit their website at uacch.edu.com.
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