Have You Ever Done a Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt?
With Easter fast approaching now is the time for families to start gathering up some eggs for dyeing. But did you know there are so many options these days if you don't want to boil some eggs to color.
When I was kid, there weren't many options to choose from, you either did the real thing or just bought some plain old plastic eggs to hide. Nowadays there are glitter eggs, shiny eggs, artistic eggs, glow in the dark eggs, which brings me to this.
Have you ever had a Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt? I think it's fantastic! if you want to do something a little different other than the standard Easter Egg Hunt. You wait until it gets dark outside and you hide your glow in the dark Easter eggs in your backyard or even inside your home. The kids will go crazy and you'll have fun hiding the eggs from them, of course you'll might get frustrated because after all, their glowing!
Making a glow in the dark Easter eggs can be really be a fun activity for the kids to do and it's not so messy and easy to do.
I found this video on how to do it, so hop on over to your nearest store and let the magic begin.
Here's another cool way to decorate some Easter eggs using Kool-Aid.
Start decorating and Happy Easter!
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