Kilpatrick Elementary 5K Fun Run Benefits Harvest Regional Food Bank
A recent event was all about helping local people in need.
Between 250-300 people gathered at the corner of Jefferson and 35th Street in Texarkana, Arkansas to participate in Kilpatrick’s Elementary 2nd Annual Hunger’s No Game 5K/Fun Run.
Entry for the Fun Run was 10 canned food items to be donated to a local charity. The school sponsored event brought in astounding 12,000 non-perishable items to be donated to Harvest Regional Food Bank. School officials stated that Harvest Regional was chosen due to providing weekend meals for students within the Texarkana area.
Kilpatrick would like to thank all that supported this event, making the 5K a success in its second year.
Below are the top finishers for each category:
Female Male
- Ages 10 & Under
o 1st -Jaydence Williams 1st –Mahliek Ward
o 2nd -Jordyn McKerlie 2nd –
- Ages 11 to 19
o 1st-Stephanie Studdard 1st- Hunter Dew
o 2nd_MaKayla Russell 2nd –Taylor McCoy
- Ages 20 to 29
o 1st-Micah Simmons 1st- Cody Wooten
o 2nd-Lauren Altenbaumer 2nd –Michael Riley
- Ages 30 to 39
o 1st-Sara Kyles 1st – Jason Ward
o 2nd- Kristen Gibson 2nd –Andrew Chasteen
- Ages 40 to 49
o 1st-Debbie Conway 1st –Rob Holifield
o 2nd-Gena McKerlie 2nd –Frank Conway
- Ages 50 to 59
o 1st- Gail Young 1st –Brent Bultemeier
o 2nd-Lavonda Skinner
- Ages 60 & Above
o 1st-Gail McKinney
o 2nd-Sue Ellen Hall
The overall top winner for males was Daniel Fawcett and Rose Dickinson was the top female finisher. Both trophies and medallions were given to the top finishers of each category.
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