One Tank of Gas Gets You to These Free Holiday Light Displays in Arkansas
The holiday season is finally here and for those of you who enjoy looking at Christmas lights, I have found a couple of more places you have to see and they're both worth the price of admission, FREE! Best of all, you can see both these locations on a tank of gas.
Nothing like spending some time during the holidays in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Every year this National Park city decorates the entire downtown area with its annual light display along Bathouse Row with a portion of the grounds completely covered with an array of colorful lighted Christmas trees and displays of all kinds. Make sure you stroll over to the historic Arlington Resort Hotel to see the giant gingerbread house and Christmas tree. You can also take a scenic tour of the city on a lighted carriage ride. The Holiday Lights on Bathhouse Row runs now through January 1.
Another place that comes to mind is in Sherwood, Arkansas near Little Rock. It's the Trail of Holiday Lights at Sherwood's Enchanted Forest. This is a mile-long drive-thru trail of lights with over 90 various lighted displays of all sizes and shapes. Some displays are themed, from what I remember when I went there couple a years ago with my brother. Sherwood's Enchanted Forest entrance is located at 511 Bear Paw Road. Complimentary candy canes will be handed out at the end of the tour. Now Open from 6-9:30PM until December 30. For more information please visit their Facebook page.
While your in the Little Rock area make sure to visit the lighted Arkansas State Capitol building.
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