SAU To Host Dinner In Honor Of Long-time Accounting Professor Dr. Terrye Stinson
The Rankin College of Business at Southern Arkansas University will host a special dinner honoring long-time accounting professor Dr. Terrye Stinson. The dinner will be held on Friday, Aug. 24, at 6 p.m. in Grand Hall of the Reynolds Center.
According to the Press Release, Stinson began her teaching career at SAU in 1980. In addition to helping numerous students enter into an accounting career, she also served as the Blanchard Professor of the Year, was named SAU Honor Professor, was the advisor for the Phi Beta Lambda student business group, and served as the dean of the Rankin College of Business.
“Dr. Terrye Stinson was a pillar in the Rankin College of Business,” said Dr. Robin Sronce, current dean. “Terrye was such an important part of SAU and the lives of so many of our students. We’re pleased that we and others can pay tribute to her at this dinner.”
Stinson calls SAU home, earning her undergraduate degree here. She went, on to earn her DBA at Louisiana Tech University.
Her influence reached beyond the SAU campus. She served as many years with the Arkansas Society of Certified Public Accountants (ASCPA) as board director, president of the Student Education Fund, and served on the Accounting Principles and Auditing Committee, Continuing Education Committee, Finance Committee, and the Policy Committee.
She received the Distinguished Achievement in Accounting Education Award.
Stinson also served as president of the South Chapter of CFAs. She was also appointed to the Arkansas State Board of Public Accounting.
For more information or to purchase tickets, please call 870-235-4300 or visit www.saumag.edu/celebrate-stinson.
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