Shocking Report: Sexually Transmitted Diseases On The Rise In TX
Everyone is concerned about getting sick, cases of Influenza are off the charts, and COVID is still hanging in there, but there are some other diseases that you should be very concerned about as well, although these are completely preventable. STDs...
This Room Spray Could Kill You - Walmart Recall Alert
If you have sprayed this in your house, you better start disinfecting now. The name of the product is Better Homes and Gardens Essential Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray with Gemstones.
Salmonella Linked to Onions in 37 States Including Ar. & Tx.
If you have onions in your refrigerator you better just throw them out now. There is a huge Salmonella outbreak in 37 states including Arkansas and Texas.
COVID-19 Online Screening Tool From Apple And The CDC
COVID-19 has just about everyone a little on edge. We are trying out best to practice Social Distanticing staying at least 6 feet away from everyone and keeping our activities out of the house to a minimum. Apple and the CDC have teamed up for a COVID-19 Symptoms Checker.
County Officials Meet to Discuss Preparedness Plan for COVID-19
Bowie County Judge Bobby Howell facilitated a press conference today to discuss the local response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Howell said city and county officials are following the state and federal guidelines in response to the coronavirus.
CDC: Americans Should Prepare
The United States' top health officials are warning that Americans should prepare for serious disruptions to their lives from the coronavirus here at home.
USDA Says It’s Time to Toss the Turkey
Don't even think about nuking those week-old potatoes in the microwave one last time.
Arkansas’ Activity Level Pales in Comparison to the Nation
Americans in general need more exercise in their lives, but Arkansas could definitely kick things up a notch.
New Tick Virus Warnings
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are warning us of a virus that is apparently being carried by ticks called the Powassan Virus (POW), a neuroinvasive disease that currently has no known cure and about a 10% death rate for those that develop encephalitis from POW.
Worst Offenders
Spring break, St. Patrick's Day and even just a day of barbecuing are all contributing factors.
Double Vision
The U.S. twin birth rate is at a record high, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control. Out of every 1,000 deliveries, nearly 34, are twin births. That was up by 2 percent from 2012 and new national high as reported.