That's right, the boom is back at the former Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant. If you're new to the area, please don't be alarmed. Those of you who have been around a while are probably used to it.
Beginning this month, Red River Army Depot will begin reducing up to 100 possible government term employees due to a declining workload and a potential for other systems at the depot that could be affected.
A declining workload and projected reductions in other systems will result in a potential reduction of up to 180 contract personnel and government term employees at Red River Army Depot beginning later this year.
The Texarkana area got some welcome news, a defense contractor that remanufactures domestic and import diesel engines for military vehicles and commercial applications with a long history of supporting the U.S. Department of Defense and our nation’s allies has signed a new lease agreement.
The Red River Army Depot sent out a Facebook notification today that there will be controlled burns taking place this week in the forests around the Depot. Do not be alarmed.
TexAmericas Center today (July 29) shared that Lockheed Martin a global security and aerospace company employing more than 110,000 people worldwide, will expand operations into a building at the TexAmericas Center in support of a Public/Private Partnership contract with the Red River Army Depot.
Governor Greg Abbott today announced a new round of grants totaling $14.1 million from the Texas Military Preparedness Commission’s (TMPC) Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant (DEAAG) program awarded to various military communities across the state.
If you love cars, if you love bikes...get ready for the Red River Army Depot Summer Showdown Car Show coming up Saturday, July 27 from 8AM to 3PM presented by NFFE Union Local Lodge 2189, located at 110 Texas Ave, New Boston, Texas.
Team members at Red River Army Depot recently donated over 2,300 non-perishable food items to the Hero’s Pantry of Texarkana, a local food pantry that supports veterans.
The donations were made in connection with the depot’s Toys for Tots campaign that runs from November to mid-December each year.
Were you or someone you know laid off from Red River Army Depot or one of its contractors within the last year? Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas has partnered with Texarkana College to provide assistance and training to get you back to employment.