What’s Burning At The Army Depot? Controlled Burns This Week
The Red River Army Depot sent out a Facebook notification today that there will be controlled burns taking place this week in the forests around the Depot. Do not be alarmed.
Here is the actual notification they posted on Facebook:
The depot will be conducting prescribed burns this week, as weather allows. Burns are conducted annually for timber stand improvement, wildlife habitat management and to help protect the depot from destructive wildfires.
This is one of those forestry techniques that California should learn how to do. Might cut down on those wildfires they seem to have every year on the West Coast.
Here is some more information on Controlled Burns, nowadays referred to as 'Prescribed Fires' from the Texas A&M University Forest Service.
Texas A&M Forest Service and its partners hold an annual Prescribed Burn Manager Training each spring (May/June) in the Lufkin, Texas area. The course is open to the public, but pre-registration is required. Limited seating is available and priority is given to students who meet the experience requirements for TDA certification. Students who pass the final exam will meet the education requirements for becoming a Texas Department of Agriculture- Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager in region 4 (East Texas).