
Texas Elvis Weekend Returns In August - It's Gonna Be Hot
Texas Elvis Weekend Returns In August - It's Gonna Be Hot
Texas Elvis Weekend Returns In August - It's Gonna Be Hot
So, how big an Elvis fan are you? Have you been to Graceland? Have you seen all his movies? Did you buy every Elvis album, even the gospel ones? Did you attend a concert or two back in the day? Did you see him perform at the Municipal Auditorium in Texarkana before he was Officially the King of Rock & Roll? Ok, how about this? Have you ever been to the Texas Elvis Weekend in Waco? What! You ha
3rd Annual Texas UFOcon Lands In Jefferson In August
3rd Annual Texas UFOcon Lands In Jefferson In August
3rd Annual Texas UFOcon Lands In Jefferson In August
They say the truth is out there and no, we don't know who "they" are, but with each passing year, more and more of us believe that aliens exist and just might be visiting this planet on a regular basis. Do you? Maybe you're not sure but a good personal story would push you over the top? I think we have found just the event for you, and it's right in our backyard.
Did You Know Texarkana Broke A Heat Record Yesterday?
Did You Know Texarkana Broke A Heat Record Yesterday?
Did You Know Texarkana Broke A Heat Record Yesterday?
So many folks are seriously concerned about climate change these days that it's enough to make you sweat bullets before the real heat even gets here. Maybe you didn't notice how hot it was yesterday? Did you know we broke a record for the heat on Tuesday, May 7? We did.
Is This The Most Beautiful Small Concert Venue in Texas?
Is This The Most Beautiful Small Concert Venue in Texas?
Is This The Most Beautiful Small Concert Venue in Texas?
Have you ever heard of Round Top, Texas? Most people have not, but back in February my nephew, Will Lynde, hosted and performed at a venue there I can only describe as magical. It's called the Round Top Festival Institute, and lucky you, I took pictures.
'For the Sake of One' 3rd Annual Bingo Night Fundraiser Is 3/21
'For the Sake of One' 3rd Annual Bingo Night Fundraiser Is 3/21
'For the Sake of One' 3rd Annual Bingo Night Fundraiser Is 3/21
For the 3rd Annual Bingo Night fundraiser, For the Sake of One will be hosting an event on Thursday, March 21 at The Canvas Special Events Center in Texarkana, TX at 6:30 pm. Here are the event details: Location: The Canvas Special Events Center, 2101 Texas Blvd, Texarkana, TX Time: 6:30 pm Features: Underground Pizza Co for food purchases and Bubble Bar Etx for a cash bar Open to the public, in
Texarkana Solarbration: No Glasses? 2024 Eclipse Viewing Alternat
Texarkana Solarbration: No Glasses? 2024 Eclipse Viewing Alternat
Texarkana Solarbration: No Glasses? 2024 Eclipse Viewing Alternat
We're just a little over a month away from what Texarkana is calling Solarbration 2024. Just keep praying the skies will be clear so we can all get a good look at this rare event. Now, can we get a little personal here? Have you secured your viewing glasses yet? If the day comes and you're not prepared, we have some alternative ways to view the eclipse right here. Just trying to help.
Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas: Check For Driving Conditions
Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas: Check For Driving Conditions
Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas: Check For Driving Conditions
Texarkana area roads are pretty treacherous today and extreme caution should be used IF you have to get out and about. Our best advice is to stay home, however, if you do have to get out in it, be sure you check your route as best you can before you leave. Here's how you do that here in the Texarkana area.

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