The Texarkana Museums System presents "Tea with History" at the P.J. Ahern Home on Saturday, March 26, at 403 Laurel Street in historic downtown Texarkana.

The event is from 2 PM to 4 PM and will feature three ladies from Texarkana's past, Mrs. Mary Ahern, Mrs. Mayme Jamison, and Mrs. Cora Schwarz. The ladies will give a history lesson on Texarkana and you'll learn about their lives while enjoying some tea and a delicious selection of sandwiches and sweets catered by Benchmark American Brasserie.

“Guests will meet Mrs. Jamison, Mrs. Schwarz, as well as Mrs. Ahern herself,” says TMS Curator, Jamie Simmons.

“We have three living history performers who will remain in character for the event and pass on what life was like back at the turn of the last century. It’s a more personal way to experience Texarkana’s rich and diverse history.”

The three historical figures will be portrayed by Living History volunteers, Cylestine Thornton, Rochelle Hauburger, and Andrea Williams-McCoy, all volunteers with the Texarkana Museums System Living History program. This division of TMS presents Texarkana history through the personal perspectives of those who lived it.

“Tea with History” guests will be served tea in the Dining Room, Music Room, Parlor, and Library of the historic P. J. Ahern Home, located at 403 Laurel Street in the Quality Hill Historic District. This Classical Revival home was built in 1905 based on a floor plan sketched by Mrs. Mary Lansdale Ahern.

“The house was designed for entertaining,” according to TMS Board President, Velvet Cool. “Mrs. Ahern loved to host a houseful of guests. TMS honors that by hosting teas such as theses along with other unique events, such as mystery dinners and lectures.”

Tickets for "Tea with History" are just $25 per person and are on sale here. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

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For more information, call: 903-793-4831 or visit their Facebook page or website.

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