Texarkana’s Least Favorite Easter Candy is Made of Chocolate
You would think anything chocolate-related would be the undisputed champ of Easter, but that's not the case.
The Easter bunny will be coming to town this weekend and while many will be searching for hidden eggs, others will be tearing through their basket filled with goodies. As a kid, my parents would fill a basket with fun toys.Traditionally, we always got chocolate bunnies, but the basket was more of an activity bundle. I was never disappointed.
Mostly because I never had to pretend to like Cadbury Creme Eggs.
See, this is the worst Easter candy in my opinion. I looooove Cadbury chocolate, but that creme filling ruins it for me. I've been known to crack that egg open, scrape out the filling with a spoon and toss it, then enjoy the chocolate. #Priorities
And apparently, I'm not alone in this. We asked you which candy is your least favorite treat during the Easter season. Cadbury Creme Eggs was voted the number one most despised candy, followed by Peeps and Jelly Beans.
Least Favorite Easter Candy:
Cadbury Creme Eggs - 26%
Peeps - 19%
Jelly Beans - 13%
Robin Eggs / Jordan Almonds / Candy Corn - 12% (tied)
Chocolate Bunny - 6%
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