Everyone has a Bucket List, things you really want to do or achieve before you die. A new survey from the U.K. shows that people have a lot in common when it comes to their Bucket List.

The survey listed a top 50 Bucket List. So, you will more than likely find something in the list that is on your own list.  

The top 10 most common things are:

10. Visit Antarctica.

9. Invent something that changes lives.

8. Visit the pyramids.

7. Seeing the 7 Wonders of the World.

6. Go on the Inca Trail in Peru.

5. Pay of your mortgage.

4. Walk the Great wall of China.

3. See the Northern Lights

2. Travel the World.

1. Become a millionaire.

Well, HELLO! Becoming a millionaire might be more of a wish, but if you could achieve it then the rest of the list would all be possible!

My bucket list? Oh, to have a house in the Caribbean! Heck, I think I'd settle for a hut! I would also love, and I do mean love to go to Poland. My heritage on both sides of my family is Polish. So, to go there and walk the cities and towns of my ancestors would be absolutely amazing!

Whatever is on your Bucket List, start working on it now, because the survey also found that:

most adults will only ever fulfill five of their lifelong ambitions.

Many feel they do not have enough time to tick off the experiences, while others admit to not being fit or adventurous enough or being too afraid of getting hurt.

Other things that made the top 50 were going on an African Safari, swimming with dolphins and learn a language. You can click here to see the entire Top 50 list.

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