This Just Might Be The Most Haunted Bridge in Arkansas
Now that October is finally here you may start to notice the leaves changing color, pumpkins on front porches, and fall festivals you just have the fall season there is just something special about it.
But October also gets us into a spooky mood with Halloween right around the corner there is just something special about getting together with friends and sitting around a campfire and telling ghostly tales of something you may have experienced or better yet telling a story of legendary hauntings that have occurred in the state you live. If you live in Arkansas I'm sure you know where I am going with this.
The Supernatural State
Arkansas is known as the Natural State but sometimes natural can become supernatural depending on what you want to believe.
Every state including Arkansas has reported haunted highways with sightings of ghostly apparitions but there are some stories that become urban legends such as one of the "Most Haunted Bridges in Arkansas." There are several; bridges in the state that are reported to be haunted but the one that comes up the most when you do a Google search is the "Tilly Willy Bridge" in Northwest Arkansas near the town of Fayetteville.
The original bridge was built in 1928 but was demolished in 2010 and a new bridge was constructed in 2012 right over the original bridge location.
So, when I read about how this story became a legend I certainly got the "Willy's."
The Story
Legend has it that in the early 70s, a woman was driving over the bridge when she accidentally lost control of her car and drove off into the murky water killing herself and her children. Locals in the community continue to report sightings today of the purported bridge that they say remains haunted.
People traveling in that area near the bridge have seen what looks like oncoming car headlights but as they get closer they disappear, others have said they have seen a ghostly apparition of a woman dancing in a nearby field. And that's not all, legend has it that if you stop or park near the bridge and turn off your headlights, that handprints will appear on your window or the back of your car.
This story has become so legendary that it now has a dedicated Facebook page for people who may experienced the same thing or something strange on the Tilly Willy Bridge. There's quite a bit of history and folklore about the Tilly Willy Bridge as evidenced by a story done by KNWA-TV that's worth the read. By the way, the new bridge was named after Matilda Wison.Ford.
Check out this Paranormal investigation that took place two years ago and hear what Sean Austin's Music and Paranormal Investigation captured.
Sounds like it's time for a road trip! Check out these Haunted Highways in Arkansas.
Have you ever experienced something you couldn't explain?