Three Creepy Arkansas Must See Destinations, Did You Know About These?
It's the season for all things creepy. Did you know there are three spooky destinations in Arkansas that made a must-see list?
There was an article that was posted on promoverreviews.com that looked at some destinations in every state. These were places that people might not know about but were considered totally worth checking out. Arkansas had three places on the list, have you been to any of these destinations?
Avon Cemetery
The old Avon Cemetery is located in De Queen. The story is that if you stand by the well in the cemetery and you throw a rock down it you will start to hear a baby cry. From what we understand, before the cemetery was there the well was used for water but a woman retrieving water put her baby on the side of the well and the baby fell down the well and died. People say that if you visit the cemetery at night you will see a ghostly woman wandering the cemetery searching for her baby.
Old Redfield Road in Sheridan, Arkansas
Nobody knows for sure what happened in this area but if it is loaded with paranormal activity. People have reported seeing ghosts on the road close to the cemetery. Oh and also reported is that your electronic devices will turn off by themselves.
Fort Smith Courthouse
Here's an interesting one. Ever heard of a haunted courthouse? This one in Fort Smith is supposed to be haunted by the judge. Reports say that this judge was ruthless and sentenced people to death by hanging. How many did he have executed? The count is 157 men and 4 women. The judge even got a nickname for all the deaths he sentenced Hangin' Judge Parker. Seventy-nine of those hangings actually took place on the courthouse property. Now the legend says that those hung now roam the halls of the courthouse and people have also seen the judge himself too. You can check out the story in the video below.

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