Top 10 Tips for a Safe Halloween You Need to Know About
Many schools, churches, and communities including Texarkana are planning to kick off four- fun-filled days of Halloween celebrations and festivities. The Halloween and Costume Association has just released the official safety guidelines for 2022.
According to a recent survey, 93 percent of all Americans, 300 million total are planning to celebrate Halloween but it is also can be the deadliest time of the year with more than 60 percent of all accidents and injuries occurring between 5 PM and 9 PM while kids are trick or treating. It's very important that if you have very small children, dress them in lighter-type costumes so that drivers can see them and all children should be accompanied by an adult or older supervisor for safety concerns.
The Halloween and Costume Association offers these Top 10 safety tips for a safer and Happy Halloween.
10: Lighten up. 63 percent of children don’t carry a flashlight while they’re trick or treating. Grab a clip-on light if they don’t want to carry one!
9: Tag along. 70 percent of parents don’t accompany their children trick or treating. You’re never too old to trick-or-treat! Grab a costume, enjoy some family bonding, and be sure to claim your treat tax.
8: Talk about it. 65 percent of parents don’t discuss Halloween safety with their children. Talk with your kids and offer ways to ensure a fun and safe experience.
7: Avoid flames. Halloween is a holiday with hidden and uncommon fire dangers. Avoid open flames, use battery-operated lights instead.
6: Drive safe. Stay alert and slow down for our trick-or-treaters and costumed characters. Pay extra attention to kids crossing in the middle of the block.
5. Tighten up. Make sure your fit is just right. Avoid costumes that drag and oversized masks.
4. Walk safe. Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween. Discuss safety, pre-plan a route, stay on sidewalks, and use crosswalks.
3. Leash up. Keep your costumed critters on a leash or left safely inside. Tags and microchips can help avoid lost loved ones.
2. Stick Together. Halloween is way more fun with friends and family. Go out in groups, there’s safety in numbers.
1. Shine, sparkle, and glow, 82 percent of parents don’t use reflective tape or other high visibility aids on their child’s costume. Be sure to incorporate reflective tape, glow sticks, finger lights, or light-up accessories.
For more tips, trends, and random reasons to sport a superhero suit, visit