Veterans Day Parade Nov. 10
The Texarkana Area Veterans' Council is proud to present the annual Veterans Day Parade in Dowtown Texartkana on Saturday, November 10 at East Broad and Hazel Street at 11AM.
This year the theme is "World War 1 - 100 Years. If you would like to participate in this year's parade you are encouraged to please call 870-773-8279 or 870-773-1078. You can also email USMCgreg2aol.com or notify the Texarkana Area Veterans Council at P.O. Box 5432 Texarkana, Texas 75505-5432.
The Veterans Day Parade will also feature the American Legion Post 25-58, Disabled American Veterans #222, Korean War Veterans Association #221, Marine Corps League #1149, Veterans of Foreign Wars # 4562, and Vietnam Veterans of America #278.
Remember the parade begins at 11AM and if you plan to be in the parade you must be in line no later than 10AM.
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