Vibrant Texas City Somehow Now One Of America’s Loneliest
One of the first things you discover as an adult is that there are major differences between being alone and lonely, but as adulthood is often most everyone's first real chance to be alone in the world, this great big place can be kind of lonely. Yes, even in Texas with our 30 plus million residents and another 10 million on the way over the next two decades.
On the surface, it doesn't sound far fetched, this is the Lone Star State after all.
What is probably most surprising about this Texas city being so lonely, is that it does not seem to think it is alone enough as the number of single person dwellings is growing at a top ten rate over the past 4 years. Even when social distancing for the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020 has expired, this city's residents have actually been able to continue to distance their selves at an even greater rate.
What is making people seek out single dwelling homes in such record numbers?

That's actually a very good question, and I even have a theory. In a city where so many have flocked to over the past 30 years because of their like mindedness, I believe they've started to get tired of how alike the all are.
What is the Texas city?
Granted that is just a theory, but according to data even with as vibrant and culture filled as Austin is, it is far and wide the most lonely city in the Lone Star State. Read more in this KVUE article.