What Kicker Listeners Like Most About Autumn
Last Tuesday was the first day of October, it was also Tell Us Tuesday on Facebook. The Kicker Wake-Up Crew asked the big question "What's Your Favorite Thing About Autumn?"
Hands down the most favorite thing about Autumn for our listeners was "Cooler Temperatures" and who could blame them? The first week of October and the temperatures were still in the 90s. Coming in a close second was the changing colors of the leaves. Surprisingly, Football came in third place and Boots and Sweaters came in a close fourth place.
Others mentioned Bonfires, sipping hot coffee on a cool morning, everything Pumpkin Spice and the holidays were just around the corner.
What's your favorite thing about Autumn? You can join in on our conversation by clicking on the photo below or go to the Kicker Facebook page just click here!
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