Which Country Band Did I Meet This Weekend?
And the winner is.....Hillbilly Vegas!
Sick employees means Kendra has to work. As many of you know, I own a restaurant in Gurdon (where I also live). If someone calls in sick, I sometimes have to go make pizzas. That was the case on Sunday and although I'm not glad my employee was sick, I am glad I happened to be at my restaurant. I know most of the people that come in to eat because Gurdon is such a small town. When these three came in, I wanted to know who they were and where they were from. Yes, I'm a talker-you already knew that!
It was the lead singer from Hillbilly Vegas, Steve Harris and his family. I was so excited to meet them and I'm going to add their picture to my "Wall of Fame" (you can see it behind them in this pic). My "Wall of Fame" is a bunch of pictures of famous peeps that I've had the honor of meeting in my lifetime. I hope you don't think my ego is huge for hanging that up, it's really just a great conversation piece. :)
Hillbilly Vegas is climbing the Country Charts-have you seen their video? Well here ya go!
Such nice people and it was my pleasure to get to meet them. Keep requesting their music so they can climb the charts!
Happy Monday!
P.S. Don't judge me, I look a wreck! I'd been slinging pizzas all day!