The Alzheimer’s Alliance Helps Those with Alzheimer’s — and their Caregivers
Alzheimer's disease and dementia affect not only those formally diagnosed with the condition, but their caregivers, too.
That's why the Alzheimer's Alliance Tri-State Area and Our Place Day Respite Center help so many more people than just those clients who attend the respite center. It is estimated that each day of respite (a short period of rest or relief for caregivers) adds 23 days to a caregiver’s life expectancy.
This grassroots organization provides clients (or friends, as they prefer to call them) with stimulating activities, as well as a light breakfast, a full lunch, and an afternoon snack. Our Place Day Respite Center operates from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Every $50 donation covers one day of respite care at Our Place, and all donations remain in our community to provide resources, education, support, and respite care for families in our community dealing with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. They operate support groups and a Memory Cafe, where caregivers and their loved ones can socialize and participate in an activity together, while the caregiver also attends an educational breakout session. Overall, they serve over 17,000 people in 22 counties.
The Alzheimer's Alliance has been serving northeast Texas, southwest Arkansas, and southeast Oklahoma since 1983 and is the only local resource of its kind. Learn more and donate at easttexasgivingday.org/alztristate.
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