Ashdown Man Serving Aboard Naval Ship USS Pearl Harbor
An Ashdown, Arkansas, native Seaman Hailey Bankosh is serving aboard the USS Pearl Harbor, a U.S. Navy dock landing ship, currently deployed in support of naval operations to ensure maritime stability and security in the Mediterranean and western Indian Ocean.
Bankosh helps provide morale to the ship and crew as a Navy retail specialist managing all the ship's retail and service activities. The USS Pearl Harbor is a Harpers-Ferry class dock landing ship that was named after the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.
Day-to-day operations of this ship include landing aircraft and helicopters, onto hostile shores by transporting and launching amphibious craft and vehicles with their crews and embarked personnel in amphibious assault operations, according to Navy officials. Bangkosh and his team are responsible for helping rebuild military readiness, strengthening alliances, and reforming business practices in support of the National Defense Strategy. He has been able to help countries during major crises such as a hurricane and famine.
U.S. Navy
Bangkosh is most proud of receiving the Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist insignia, also known as the ESWS pin which certifies any enlisted U.S. Navy member to wear it, indicating they completed their enlisted surface warfare qualification program and personal qualification standards aboard a Navy afloat command.
We salute Ashdown native Seaman Hailey Bankosh for serving our country with dignity and class. Bangkosh joined the Navy for tuition assistance and to travel the world.
LOOK: 100 years of American military history
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