Bengal Tiger Loose in Texas Has Been Captured Safely
The Bengal tiger from Mexico that was loose in South Texas since September 3, has now been captured, according to Reynosa Emergency Management and Fire Protection.
After escaping from the Quinta La Fauna Zoo in Reynosa, Mexico, the big cat was roaming free for about a week and was spotted several times by residents living in South Texas. According to a report from KRGV, the tiger was in captivity by midnight on September 10, in Los Longoria, just south of Granjeno.
Zoo officials alerted the Reynosa police after the escape who alerted the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office in South Texas to be aware of the situation. According to the website, the Quinta La Fauna Zoo is located right near the Rio Grande River across from McAllen and Mission.
For weeks social media was buzzing about the tiger's whereabouts but it's nice to know that the tiger is now safe and sound with the proper authorities without any incident. The tiger whose name is Tony, was lured with bait set up in three cages to help capture the tiger without harming it, according to a news source, Chron. The tiger is believed to be taken to a zoo in Victoria, Texas.
I'm sure Tony the Tiger would say, They're Great! Or maybe not.
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