Bowie County 4-H Livestock Judging Team Finishes in Top 10
The Bowie County 4-H Livestock Judging Team just finished competition in District IV 4-H Contest in College Station on Saturday, April 21, 2018.
According to a press release, the team was coached by Jamie Baldwin and Cherie Curtis and team was very successful in the competition. The Junior Team place 2nd overall with Kyleigh and Rebekah placing 4th & 5th high overall individuals respectively. The Senior Team placed 4th overall with Jaycee Littleton placing 8th high individual overall. The Senior Team was also 3rd high team in cattle judging.
Pictured left to right:
Back row: Dalton Burns, Jaycee Littleton, Makenzie Newton, Baylee Edwards & Cherrie Curtis, County Extension Agent, 4-H & Youth Development.
Front row: Kyleigh Edwards, Jansen Burt & Rebekah Eaves.
Bowie County 4-H Clubs are for children 3rd - 12 grade, with programs for K-2. Kids learn science and robotics to fashion design and photography, there's a 4-H activity for everyone.
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