College Preview Day at Texarkana College Feb. 26
Texarkana College invites you to attend Preview Day on Sunday, Feb. 26, 2017, at 2PM.
TC staff is ready to help you get started on your college admissions process! Preview Day gives prospective students a chance to take a campus tour; meet TC students, professors and staff; visit TC’s full-service recreation and student centers; check out the library and academic commons; and learn how to pay for it all. College staff will give an overview of the many degrees and certificates available at TC that lead to high-demand jobs in a variety of fields.
Since 1927, Texarkana College has helped guide students from all around our region start their journey towards a better and brighter future. The slogan “It’s a great place to start- or start over” has endured through the years because of the testimony of many who attest to the value and quality of the education they received at TC, along with the personal connection with faculty they experienced as students.
If you ask students what it’s like to attend TC, you will hear common themes of family atmosphere, supportive faculty, and undeniable affordability and value.
“It’s comfortable here,” said former New Boston High School student Viola Simmons. “From the moment I walked into the registrar’s office, individuals went out of their way to help me.”
Simmons, who came to TC after earning her Certified Nurse Aid certificate as a dual credit student in high school, knows firsthand about the struggles facing aspiring students today. Despite setbacks that included an unstable home life, poverty, and eventual homelessness, Viola set her mind to overcome these barriers and looked to TC to help her achieve her goals.
Scholarships and grants through Texarkana College’s financial aid department helped her get on her feet as a college student and pointed her toward a pathway of success. Viola completed 15 hours of coursework in the fall semester at TC, earned money on campus as a work-study student through TC’s financial aid program, and held a part-time job as a nurse aid at Cornerstone Retirement Community in Texarkana.
“TC helped me gain my footing and start off with a solid foundation,” Viola said. “I’m doing great now -it’s the most stress free I have ever been!”
There are hundreds more stories like Viola’s that underscore why Texarkana College is a great place, and TC admissions staff want you to see the difference for yourself.
“We don’t want to overwhelm students and parents with too much information all at once,” said Lee Williams, III, TC’s Director of Admissions and Recruitment. “When you are just starting out as a first time college student, it’s easy to get bogged down with all the paperwork and requirements. At Preview Day, we will break it down for you and help you take the necessary steps toward college admission and application for financial aid.”
Texarkana College Preview Day is open to all first-time in college students, transfer students, and persons interested in returning to college after several years to complete their degree. Parents and friends are welcome to attend with prospective students and will be able to participate in the tours and information sessions.
To register for TC Preview Day, complete the form found at texarkanacollege.edu/admissions/prospective-students/ or call 903-823-3200 and speak to a recruiter. TC staff will be on hand during Preview Day to assist students with completion of the TC college application form found at applytexas.org and the application for federal financial aid found at studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa.
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