With hunger statistics climbing every year, can anyone end hunger? One man is taking strides to help make a difference.

According to the October issue of Eating Well magazine, 5,000 New Yorkers were fed a free lunch on Sept. 19 by Tristram Stuart, founder of the organization Feeding the 5,000. All the ingredients for this meal came from items that would have been thrown away.

A meal made from others' cast offs? Who would eat that? In many cases, the items used are fruits or vegetables that are neither perfect in appearance nor uniform, so they simply are rejected by grocers, states writer Gretel H. Schueller. Don’t worry, the ingredients aren’t bad, they are just slightly used.

I encourage you to peruse Stuart’s website where you will find information about other parts of the world that have seen his initiative in action. I've also included a link to Stuart's Ted talk from London.

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