Girl Scouts Announce Donation/Match Program for Girl Scout Cookies
The Girl Scout Cookies Season is officially over, but due to all that bad icy weather we had in February and March the Girl Scouts weren't able to sell all their cookies. The Girl Scouts, Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas have announced a special donation/match program.
According to Emily Eudy, Program Specialist for The Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas Council:
Girls did not sell as many cookies as they have in the past due to inclement weather during their sale. As such, we have an excess cookies left and encourage members of the community to make a donation of cookies to their favorite charity and the Girl Scout Council will match their donation case for case.
The minimum for the donation/match program is a $500 donation. So if you are a business and you want to make a difference this is your chance.
Individuals and businesses can also make smaller contributions and the Girl Scout Council will donate cookies to a local charity on the donors’ behalf.
Each box of cookies is $4.00, a case consists of 12 cookies and costs $48.00. Proceeds from the Girl Scout cookie sale stay within the local Council and benefit girls by funding a variety of programs.
Be sure to email Emily Eudy for an your donation order form or call her at (870) 773-2151 ext. 2016
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