Here’s How To Track Santa in Arkansas, Texas & All Around the World
Santa is about to take off on his big yearly trip around the world. When I was a kid I always looked forward to seeing on our local news that Santa was spotted on the weather radar that he was getting close to our town. Now with better technology, we can track his journey all around the world on Christmas Eve Day.
My husband is from England and he has family there and in Australia. Thanks to NORAD, we are able to track Santa all day on the 24th to see what part of the world he's in. NORAD even keeps track of how many presents Santa has dropped off.
The NORAD Website is Full of Fun Activities for the Kids Too
At the NORAD Santa website, they also have information about Santa plus fun games and activities. There are 24 arcade games to play and you can get a free personalized video message from Santa.
Want to Know What Santa's Favorite Snack Is?
They have that information too. Now kids can leave exactly what Santa loves to snack on. Check out the video below.
Check out the NORAD Tracks Santa Facebook page for updates. The Official NORAD Santa Tracker!
You Can Keep Up With Santa All Christmas Eve Day on Your Phone
There is even a free app so you can check out where Santa is all day Christmas eve on your phone. I'm kind of obsessed with checking where Santa is and my husband gets a little tired of me giving him updates all day telling him where Santa is in his travels. . You can download the app on the NORAD Santa website or where ever you get your favorite apps.
Find Out The History of NORAD Tracking Santa

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