Is it illegal to fire a gun in the air in Texarkana?

Every year on the 4th of July mixed in with all of the firework sounds I hear something a little different, and you probably do too. It is the sound of someone firing a gun mixed in with all of the fireworks.

We all know that this is super dangerous, but is it actually illegal? After a quick search on the internet, this is what the Texarkana Code of Ordinance had to say about this:

(a) The discharge of any firearm at any time within the corporate limits of the city is hereby prohibited, except that which is necessary and lawful for the protection of one's person, premises or property.

(d)This section shall not apply to a shooting gallery, gunsmith establishment or an authorized indoor pistol and rifle range, when the same is properly fitted and arranged for the purpose of discharging firearms so that no danger arises therefrom.

So there you have it. It is not only unsafe to discharge a firearm within the city limits it is also illegal. The real issue is where do the bullets land that are fired up into the air?

In this video, an Indianapolis TV station states that the CDC says that 80 percent of those bullets fired in the air can strike people in the head, shoulders, and feet. These bullets can reach terminal velocity and do major damage to property and people as well.

WRTZ Indianapolis YouTube
WRTZ Indianapolis YouTube

So no matter how cool it may seem to fire a gun in the air anytime is not only dangerous but it is illegal. Gave you heard these crazy folks shooting their guns during the 4th of July?

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