Non-Titled Property Transfer – ‘How To’ Free Seminar Monday, August 26
Is there an item that brings special memories when you think about it? Maybe it belonged to a friend or family member who has passed on. Is it a special pie plate, gun collection or, in my case, a pewter water pitcher. Those items are considered non-titled property. In most situations, there is not anything that specifies where those items go after the owner passes away.
Having conversations about the transfer of your non-titled property can save family feuds, hard feelings and make family meals a little more pleasant. When considering passing on possessions, many times we talk about the estate planning aspects of houses, land, cars, stocks, retirement accounts, bonds, saving accounts… you get the idea. Too often, non-titled property, your personal items, never gets mentioned and these are the items that carry special meaning and memories. Non-titled items are more likely to create a family riff than other items. Some families avoid these discussions because of potential conflict over who receives what personal, non-titled, items.
To help with these difficult decisions, the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Research and Extension office in Miller County and the City of Texarkana Texas, Parks and Recreation will be offering, “Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate” Mondays August 12th and 26th, from 10:00-noon at the Southwest Center, 3222 W 7th St, Texarkana, TX. This FREE seminar is designed to help you start conversations about special possessions, what you want to happen to them, and the stories behind the items, while keeping family relationships and dynamics in mind.
Seminar topics covered will include:
- Understanding non-titled property transfer
- How to initiate discussions about sensitive issues
- Deciding what you want to accomplish
- Identifying special non-titled objects
- Sharing stories about special items
- Determining goals of distribution
- Setting ground rules
- Determining distribution options
No legal advice will be given. For more information, please contact Carla Due at 870-779-3609.
The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate or need materials in another format, please contact the Miller County Extension Office at 870-779-3609 as soon as possible. Dial 711 for Arkansas Relay.