Scam Alert: Don’t Answer This Number 870-251-8106 in Arkansas
Lately, I've noticed a lot of unknown phone numbers popping up on my cell phone, and most of the time if I don't recognize the number, I won't answer. This is the time of year when scammers target people to steal your money.
The Scam
Have I told you how much I despise scammers? According to the Miller County Sheriff's Office Facebook page, there is a new scam you should be aware of.
Someone is calling individuals and pretending to be a law enforcement officer and claiming to be Detective Mike Liles, the scammer is calling from this number 870-251-8106.
Fake Detective
The fake detective tells the caller that he's from the Miller County Sheriff's Office, Bowie County Sheriff's Office, or another law enforcement agency and begins to demand money for a supposed warrant.
According to a report from Arkansas, warrants are not discussed over the phone, they are normally served in person.
Beware! You've been warned not to fall for this scam. According to the Federal Trade Commission, here's what to do if you get scammed by any kind.
To be clear, warrants are not discussed over the phone, they are normally served in person.
See Lisa's story on a Gift mail scam in the area too.