Do you love having a real Christmas tree at your house for Christmas? Part of the fun and tradition of having a real tree is finding one. It's such a great feeling when you find your perfect tree. Plus it's a fun tradition for the kids too!
The official Christmas season officially begins this Thanksgiving weekend and many of you will begin to decorate your homes with great tidings of joy. Nothing is more joyful than getting the family together and going to a Christmas tree farm to find that perfect tree.
With the Christmas season fast approaching many of you will begin searching for that perfect Christmas tree. Whether it be the artificial kind or the real thing. The debate continues every year, real tree or artificial tree?
Do you have your Christmas tree yet? If it's artificial, then chances are you have yours up by now, but if you love to have a real Christmas tree, then it's just about time to get yours.
It's the age-old question for Christmas. Fake or real? I found this bIog that I wrote last year and the feeling still holds true, although I must admit this year I turned into a Grinch trying to repair practically all the lights on my "pre-lit," artificial Christmas tree. Grrr! Maybe it's time to invest in a new one.
Oh yes, I can relate to this video! My cats are older now and don't mess with the Christmas tree like they did in their younger days, but I do remember coming home to a fallen tree many a times!
It's Christmas time and the tree is going up! So, what's your tree? Fake or Real? I grew up with real Christmas trees, but about 10 years ago my husband talked me into an artificial tree.
Lots of talk these days about artificial trees versus real trees. I had both growing up as a child but I have to admit there was always something special about going out to the woods or a Christmas tree farm to search for the perfect tree.