The Best Christmas Tree Farm in Arkansas is Two Hours from Texarkana
With the Christmas season fast approaching many of you will begin searching for that perfect Christmas tree. Whether it be the artificial kind or the real thing. The debate continues every year, real tree or artificial tree?
Through the years I've had both, many may argue that artificial trees are a lot less messy, no spruce needles to clean up and a lot less likely of a fire danger. But there us something really special about gathering the family together and hunting for that real Christmas tree. Yes, I'm talking about going to a Christmas tree farm where several varieties of trees are available to purchase.
Let's take a look at the Best Christmas Tree Farm in Arkansas, according to the website Good Housekeeping.
Motley's Christmas Tree Farm in Little Rock, Arkansas has been tabbed on of the best in the state. The Motley's have been spreading lots of joy to families during the holiday season since 1982. Their farm specializes in a variety of Christmas Trees from Carolina Sapphire, Leyland Cypress, and Fraser Fir, which you cut down yourself or have their crew cut it down for you. All tree prices start at $7 per foot and up. Once you pick your tree they will shake, bale, supply the tie-down string and load your tree for you.
Visitors can enjoy a free wagon ride into the field and kids will enjoy the pig races and zoo farm. Visitors can also enjoy shopping at their gift shop for hand-made wreaths, ornaments and other decorations. And to top off your day visit Motley's Fudge Kitchen where you can delight your taste buds with over twenty varieties of fudge and candies great for gift giving as well.
Make sure you ask about their potted "Living Christmas Trees" that you can plant in your yard after the holidays.
Motley's Christmas Tree Farm is located at 13724 Sandy Ann Drive. For more information visit their website or please call 501- 888-1129.
Business Hours: Nov. 17 - Dec.16th
Tue-Fri: 1PM to 6PM
Sat-Sun: 10AM to 6PM
Closed on Thanksgiving Day and Mondays.
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