KKYR's Small Town Tour introduces the people, places and events that demonstrate how Americans live large in some of our tiniest communities.
Small Town Tour

Animal Care Made Simple at Oubre Animal Clinic in Wake Village
Anyone who has an ornery pooch, a narcissistic feline or a cheerful canary can get their beloved family pet the great care it deserves at Oubre Animal Clinic in Wake Village.

Max Donuts in Wake Village Offers Everything from Eggrolls to Hot Wings
In the sleepy bedroom community of Wake Village, a little diner with a huge menu dishes up some of the tastiest meals in town.

Don’t Ask About the Ghosts at Jefferson’s Excelsior House Hotel
Excelsior House is the oldest hotel in East Texas according to the National Register of Historic Places. Since it opened in the 1850s, it has welcomed some of history’s biggest names through its doors: Ulysses S. Grant, Oscar Wilde, Rutherford B. Hayes and Lady Bird Johnson. They all checked in. But does every guest who visits ultimately check out?

Is the Jefferson Hotel Really Haunted?
Before I even visited Jefferson, I heard strange reports about what some call the most haunted town in Texas. Many of the ghost stories I heard, however, originate at one of the town’s oldest structures, the Jefferson Hotel.

Nash Elementary School Creates a Culture of Reading
Most parents and teachers realize that readers are taught rather than born. It isn’t often that you’ll see a child pick up a book on his own when there are so many other activities that he could be doing. That’s why the faculty at Nash Elementary is doing something to change the way students view books.

Enjoy a Night Out at Nash City Hall
For more than a decade, the community of Nash, Texas has come together once a year to socialize, laugh, and learn the importance of safety.

The Neighborhood Gathers at Sue’s Diner in Nash, Texas
Laughter fills the air and mingles with the mouth-watering scents from old-fashioned, homestyle cooking at Sue’s Diner.

Fouke Group Creates Memorials for the Boys
Citizens for a Better Community (CBC) is working to make Fouke a better place to live. But they also want to reinforce the community’s patriotic pride as they remember the boys lost in war.

Children Showcase Their ‘Best Friends’ at the Miller County Fair Dog Show in Fouke, Ark.
Every child needs a best friend, and oftentimes they find it in the family pooch.

Ann Fowler Helps Restore Fouke to Its Former Glory
Fouke native Ann Fowler is a woman with plans. She may have just turned 80, but she doesn’t appear to be slowing down one bit.

A Family Tradition Continues at DeLaughter’s Grocery in Redwater
When Kyle DeLaughter was a little boy, he never dreamed that he’d one day take over his parents’ grocery stores. But now the charming bachelor is one of Redwater’s most beloved business owners.

From Baseball Cards to Chamber Pots, Attic Treasures in Redwater Has It All
Everyone seems to collect lots of stuff over the years, and sometimes those things manage to get stored in attics, garages and other available spaces. But not everybody turns all those forgotten items into a business.