Texarkana Shooting Sports Season Begins In February
Texarkana Gun Club is just about ready to fire up it's many shooting sports match for the new year. There's something for almost everyone held each month at the club off Highway 67 between Redwater and Maud.
The Texarkana Gun Club match schedule has been completely updated for 2017 and with the mildest winter we've seen in a while things are looking good to get going again the first weekend of February. The first Saturday of each month starting February 4 is our USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association) match. The matches will be on the first Saturday of each month through December. 8AM setup, 9:30AM shooters register, 10AM the match starts. The USPSA match is the one I regularly participate in.
The Steel Challenge matches are held on the second Saturday, Rifle Match on the 3rd Saturday and a Plinker Plus match on the 4th Saturday.
The Club has also recently added electronic registration to it's USPSA and Steel Challenge matches.
If you have any questions about our matches or the gun club, visit the website.
Safe shooting everyone and we'll see you on the range.