Annual Texarkana Dragon Boat Festival Has Been Canceled
The annual Dragon Boat Festival a benefit fundraiser for HandsOn Texarkana every May has been canceled.
⛵Texarkana Dragon Boat Festival Canceled
⛵Why The Dragon Boat Festival Was Canceled
Event organizers told the Texarkana Gazette, that the main reason was a financial decision and the rising cost of holding such an event was getting too expensive which outweighed the benefits of the popular event. By canceling, HandsOn Texarkana can now assist up to 300 people a month who need help in our community.
Largest Fundraiser Event For HandsOn Texarkana
The Dragon Boat Festival was one of the largest fundraising events and plans are in the works for smaller cost-effective events coming soon. HandsOn Texarkana will continue to hold events at the beautiful historic Collins Home with its mission of bringing the community together.

The announcement to cancel the event was posted on a recent Facebook post which stated, HandsOn Texarkana truly appreciates everyone who supported the event and for helping make such good memories for years to come. The Dragon Festival launched on June 11, 2016, at Bringle Lake Park and became a major spring event for nine consecutive years in Texarkana.
For programs and services go to the HandsOn Texarkana website. If you would like to become a volunteer for many of their programs please 903-798-3211 or visit them online.
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