Wonder Woman 1984 Kicks-Off Movies at Hempstead Hall
This weekend movies return to the Hope campus at Hempstead Hall this Spring. The recently released Wonder Woman 1984 is the first one up this Friday.
Last year the movies were outdoors, this year all movies have been moved indoors to Hempstead Hall. There will be multiple showings of each movie to allow for COVID-19 guidelines and all movies will feature socially-distanced seating for up to 100 people at a time. Something new this year, you can pre-order your concessions online and they will have them ready when you get there. For example to order for Wonder Woman 1984, this Friday, please click HERE and select your items. Wonder Woman 1984, stars Gal Gadot as the DC superhero battling new nemesis Max Lord and The Cheetah. The movie also stars Chris Pine as Steve Trevor and Kristen Wiig as The Cheetah.
Wonder Woman 1984 (PG-13)
Friday, March 19, 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:00 pm) advance tickets HERE
Saturday, March 20, 2:00 pm (doors open at 1:00 pm) advance tickets HERE
Saturday, March 20, 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:00 pm) advance tickets HERE
Nacho Libre (PG)
Jack Black follows a Mexican monk who becomes a wrestler to raise money for his orphanage.
Sunday, March 21, 12:30 pm (doors open at 11:30 am) advance tickets HERE
Sunday, March 21, 2:00 pm (doors open at 1:00 pm) advance tickets HERE
Upcoming Movies: Multiple Showings
See Hempstead Hall events page for all ticket purchases
- April 9 - LaLa Land
- April 15 - 42
- May 1 - Emma
- May 15 - Tom & Jerry
- May 21 - Tenet
- May 22 - My Fair Lady
For more information, please visit their website or Facebook page.
LOOK: The Most Anticipated Movies of 2021
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