As we all look forward to Labor Day Weekend, please remember to be safe on the roads. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) along with Arkansas law enforcement are watching for impaired drivers right now and through the Labor Day Weekend.

This year's Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over is a high-visibility campaign and it will be enforced. The state law enforcement agencies aren't doing this to dampen your fun it is to keep impaired drivers off the road and prevent the tragedies seen in previous Labor Day weekends.

Drunk driving

Back in 2022 Labor Day holiday weekend there were 490 traffic accident fatalities nationwide. Out of those 490 traffic fatalities, 39% a total of 190 wrecks involved a drunk driver.

Arkansas Public Safety Secretary Colonel Mike Hagar said in a press release,

Our first priority is to keep people safe, so we’re asking everyone to plan ahead if they know they’ll be out drinking. Drunk driving is illegal, and it takes lives. Help us protect our state and put an end to this senseless behavior.


Doug Menuez

Make sure to plan if you will be drinking. Have a plan in effect for you to get home safely whether it's to call for an Uber ride, taxi or a designated driver.

A close up of a Beretta 92FS gun with 9mm bullets and handcuffs.

The Arkansas Highway Safety Office is recommending these alternatives to drinking and driving:

1. Designate a sober driver or plan to use public transportation or a ride-share service.

2. If you see a drunk driver on the road, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

3. If you see a friend or family member about to drive while impaired, help them make other arrangements.

4. Protect yourself. Buckling up is your best defense against a drunk driver.

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Gallery Credit: Isabel Sepulveda

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