Ashdown High School Teachers Serve on State CTE Team
Ashdown High School Teachers Amy Silva and Shauna Tipton were asked by the Division of Career and Technical Education to serve as CTE (Career and Technical Education) Subject Matter Experts to develop CTE Playbook Templates which are published on the Back to School Playbook page on the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education website.
They met weekly from July 9 through August 7 in order to collaborate and create the Playbook in a manner that would provide course alignment for their programs of study. According to a press release, "the templates are to provide instructional tools and resources for CTE courses and will be shared throughout the state and will serve as a model for emerging work around CTE Professional Learning Communities across the nation"
Mrs. Silva served as a Subject Matter Expert for the Pharmacy Technology Fundamentals course within the Medical Professions program and Mrs. Tipton was part of the Business Instructor Team.
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