Check your calendar and be sure to get this one on it, a great breakfast for a great cause is scheduled for Saturday, March 2 this year. It's the Annual "Pancake Day" hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Texarkana.

This yearly event benefits several local Texarkana charitable organizations. It's an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast and costs just $5 per person. The breakfast includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, coffee, juice and milk, plus you can get refills until you're full.

For those that enjoy a good run before their pancakes, Pancake Day events also include a 5K race for adults and a Kids K for children. This part of the event starts at 8 AM. For more information on the 5K, click here.

Pancake Day begins at 7 AM and goes until 2 PM for you late sleepers. Texarkana College is once again hosting the event at the Truman Arnold Center.

For more information contact the Kiwanis Club of Texarkana.


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