Did You Know There is an Old Creepy Abandoned Movie Set in Texas?
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Did you know there is an old abandoned movie set in Texas? It's pretty much in the middle of nowhere and was used years ago for a John Wayne movie.
The History of the Abandoned Movie Set in Texas
The set was built for John Wayne's The Alamo the movie came out in 1960. But the movie set was built a few years earlier by a man named James T. "Happy" Shahan. He built it on his ranch north of Brackettville, Texas. He started building the set in 1957 and he built the set by himself. The movie set is known as Alamo Village.
John Wayne directed and starred in the movie along with Richard Whitmark and Frankie Avalon.
The First Movie Set Ever Made in Texas is Now Rotting Away
After the movie was made the movie set was open to the public as a tourist attraction but it eventually closed and there are no plans to reopen it. Shahan was deemed the Father of the Texas Film Industry back in 1995 a year before he died by Governor George W. Bush. Shahan's widow put it up for sale for $3 million back in 2004 but from all accounts, it looks like it was never sold and it remains abandoned.
This Movie Set in Texas Was a Whole Town
The set includes six fully built buildings, a cantina and restaurant, a trading post, a beautiful church, a jail, a blacksmith shop and of course the Alamo. It also has many other structures but they are only the front of the buildings including a couple of hotels. There was also a runway built near the movie set for the actors to fly in.
It's really kind of creepy to see these buildings out in the middle of nowhere and abandoned.
Old Abandoned Movie Set in Texas
Gallery Credit: Lisa Lindsey
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