Help These High Schools Reach Their LifeScholar Blood Drive Goals
Did you know that high schools in our area compete for scholarship money from LifeShare Blood Center by holding blood drives? With schools closed the high schools that in the past have hosted blood drives now need to rely on the community to find another place to host the drives.
Today, Thursday, May 7 there is a community blood drive set up for Bloomburg High School from 8:30AM to 2:30PM at the high school located at 307 West Cypress in Bloomburg, Texas. This blood drive will help the school reach its LifeScholar Scholarship goal.
Next Thursday, May 14 there will be a blood drive for Hooks High School to help reach its goal.
How does it work? Each school has a goal to obtain for the year. That goal is based on the enrollment for each school as to how many collections they will need to get the scholarship.
The scholarship awarded by LifeShare is:
$500 – 45% of enrollment
$750 – 60% of enrollment
Each school has 3 blood drives a year but since the last blood drive was cancelled due to schools closing, the schools are falling short of the goal to meet the scholarship requirements. That is why LifeShare is setting up blood drives off school campuses to help the schools reach their LifeScholar Scholarship goal.

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